51ÁÔÆæ provides access for its authorized user community to resources including, but not limited to, the following computing and networking devices:
- Computers (PCs, workstations, and servers)
- Electronic mail and Internet
- Applications
- Printers
- Voice, Data, and Video Communications infrastructure
- Classroom and Lab Technology
- Digital Signs
- Collaborative Spaces
- Security Cameras
- Emergency Phones
Acceptable use of Kettering resources does not extend to what an individual has the capability or system access to accomplish actions. Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in disciplinary action consistent with the University's Faculty, Employee and Student Handbooks.
Anything illegal under local, state and federal laws is in violation of the policy. Michigan law specifically addresses misuse of computer resources. In addition, 51ÁÔÆæ considers the following examples (not a comprehensive list) as violations to the policy and just cause for taking disciplinary action up to and including non-reappointment, discharge, dismissal and/or legal action:
- Interfering or attempting to interfere with the intended use of Information Technology Resources, for example, propagating electronic chain mail or sending forged or falsified emails.
- Accessing, or attempting to access unauthorized resources, for example, modifying system resources that are only to be modified by authorized IT Systems Administrators. This also includes violating, or attempting to violate software license agreements and other contracts.
- Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including placing materials in a publicly accessible forum. For example, the sharing of copyrighted software, music, movies and other intellectual properties.
- Invading, or attempting to invade the privacy of individuals or entities (without authorization) that are creators, authors, users or subjects of the Information Technology Resources. For example, using another's id and password to view/modify/propagate personal information that was not specifically authorized for your use.
- Recording, or attempting to record voice, data or video network line, for example, running a packet sniffer.
- Destroying, altering, dismantling, disfiguring, preventing, or attempting to do so thereby preventing authorized users from accessing services, for example, sending out a crippling number of files across the network such as email bombing.
- Circumventing, evading or attempting to circumvent/evade security measures and detection, for example, storing illegal software in hidden directories or using security scanning tools against 51ÁÔÆæ Computing Resources and all devices connected to those resources.
- Harassing, threatening, causing harm, or attempting to harass, threaten or cause harm to specific individuals, for example, sending repeated and unwanted email messages or social media messages sent through our technology.
- Utilizing resources to operate a commercial or private business, complete or solicit online commercial transactions or perform work for hire.
- The deliberate launching or delivery of any type of virus or other harmful malware including the pretense of such to cause alarm.
- Sharing your own, posting or using other users' credentials (ID and password).
- Leaving your computer unlocked when you walk away, or leaving a shared computer unlocked.