Financial Aid 101
Financial Aid 101
What is Financial Aid?
Plain and simple, Financial Aid is money you can use to pay for your college education. There are many types of financial aid, including Grants, Scholarships and Self-Help Aid.
You and your family should explore each option to determine which one is best for you.
Grants and Scholarships
Grants and scholarships provide money for your education that does not need to be paid back once you graduate. Grants and scholarships are provided by 51ÁÔÆæ, external organizations, and the state and federal government.
Grant Opportunities Available Scholarships
Self-help Aid
Self-Help Aid includes money you either borrow or earn while at school. At Kettering, that means you will have the opportunity to apply for federally funded and private loans. You also can earn money through your Co-op experience or through Work Study opportunities.
Work Study Opportunities Co-op Earnings Federal Direct Loans Private Loans